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Farming as a Business

Farming in Sub-Saharan Africa has traditionally been practiced as a livelihood for farming communities rather than as a business. However, in today’s economy, subsistence farming is no longer a viable option for most farmers. Agro-Tourism promotes the solution of farming as a business as a method for increasing agricultural profitability.


We provide trainings about how to transition to farming as a business by introducing value addition and processing, agricultural marketing, agribusiness planning, agribusiness financial management, and business development services. We also train both in crop and livestock value chains, and technologies such as the use of indigenous microorganisms, fodder technology, and technology in pig farming.

© 2018 AgroTourism

Head Office (Demonstration Farm)


5km off mukono kayunga Road

Buyukyi Village, Nama, Mukono.




Kampala Office


Agro-tourism Association Uganda

Plot 2, kimera road Ntinda

P O Box 27104, kampala Uganda

Tel: +256(0)414660503

Mob: +2566(0)772062903



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